Monday, November 30, 2009

A little Christmas tree at TM to get everyone into the festive spirit of Christmas which is just 25 days away.
The tutor announced at 3:30 PM.
Sunday, November 29, 2009

I am so proud of my P6s

Another one for the album.
The tutor announced at 10:12 AM.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
PSLE results:
The PSLE results were finally released yesterday at noon. Much anxiety were clouded in the students' mind.... "will I do well?" "Will I be able to get into the school of my choice?"
Each year, The Mentor takes in only a maximum of 6 pupils for each level. For last year's PSLE, there were only 5 P6s, and I am very pleased to inform all students and friends that the students have done exceptionally well.
Yong Yee did better than expected; Meina, Grace and Boon Kiong have scored several As amongst themselves, and Sammie(above in the picture performing card tricks to her older tuition mates.), the brightest of the lot, has done superbly! She has scored 3 A*, 1A and a distinction in HCL. With an aggregate of 268, she is certainly one of the top pupils in her school!
Well done P6s!!! I am proud of you all. Do continue to work hard in secondary schools and I am sure all of you have a glaring future ahead!
The tutor announced at 11:38 PM.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

PSLE results will be released tomorrow and students may collect their result slips from their respective schools from noon.
Good luck to the P6s of TM, namely, Sammie, Grace, Yong Yee, Boon Kiong and Meina. I am keeping my fingers crossed for everyone of you and may may you be smiling as broadly as can be when you get your results. Remember, I am proud of you, no matter what your results may be.
All the best!!!
The tutor announced at 9:04 AM.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Sherwin Tan is currently selling Christmas card to earn some extra pocket money for the holidays. The cost of each packet of cards (assorted designs) is $2 (packet of 4 cards) to the general public. However, students of TM will get a 20% discount when purchased from him. So, do get your cards from him before the stock runs out.
(you may consider this charity to the mentally unsound.)
The tutor announced at 9:03 AM.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
ANNOUNCEMENT : Recruitment of students!!!!Please be informed that we are currently recruiting more students, from primary 1 to secondary 5 (2010). Please do recommend to your friends if our service is required.
Thank you.
The tutor announced at 10:18 AM.
Monday, November 09, 2009

Here's wishing Putri, a very
Happy Birthday and may your life be filled with laughter and sweet memories. =)
The tutor announced at 10:55 PM.
Friday, November 06, 2009
Happy Birthday Teng Han! The group decided to take a group picture yesterday and they were not happy with the 1st one. (above) See the gap between
Cheiry and Sherwin. Hm..... there is really something between them?

They were satisfied with the 2
nd picture......
Whatever it is, it has been a pleasure teaching this group... gosh.... they have been together as a group for years..... see how they have grown!
Good luck guys~
The tutor announced at 9:13 AM.
Sunday, November 01, 2009

The ever-popular Singapore's Mr Bean at TM on a Sunday.

Charmel and sister, Charmaine pay a visit. Thanks girls. Oh yes, thanks to My SherBean too.
The tutor announced at 11:14 PM.